It seems as if everyone is suffering from debt issues these days. They may find themselves drowning in the number of loans that they have to pay off. Interest rates can end up racking up and causing you to stress more than you need to. Fortunately, debt consolidation is a process that can help you get ahead financially.
However, people in need of financial help need to be wary of scams. There are reports of dozens of debt consolidation companies that have been scamming individuals in need for some time. Ballast Associates is here to provide you with some information that you need to look out for if you end up seeking help from a company that states they provide debt consolidation services.
The Allure of Debt Consolidation Services
Many people who end up needing debt consolidation services are vulnerable. They will see these services as an opportunity to get their financial situation straight. Unfortunately, many people will prey on these individuals during these trying times. Their goal is to catch you whenever you are most vulnerable and get ahold of your personal information and finances. This can have disastrous effects on your life and may cause you to go bankrupt.
What Are The Signs?
Here are some common signs of debt consolidation scams. These indications should make you turn tail and run if they are happening to you.
You’ve Been Asked for a Payment When You Haven’t Started The Process
Oftentimes, you will end up paying for financial review services. It is perfectly normal to pay a financial advisor for their consultation. However, a for-profit institution that is asking for money upfront for debt consolidation services should be avoided. This is especially true if nothing has been done yet. Keep this in mind if you contact a company and something seems fishy.
They Are Aggressive in Their Approach
Scammers will do everything they can to get your information and finances. They may use scare tactics or simply act hyper-aggressive whenever you are dealing with them. This is a telltale sign that this company is a fraud and should be avoided. Be wary of this approach and leave immediately before giving them crucial information.
They Tell You to Cease Contact With Other Financial Institutions
The fraudulent company that is trying to get your information may tell you to avoid contact with the financial institutions that you normally deal with. This is a red flag that they are trying to prevent you from seeking financial advice elsewhere that may expose their operation.
They Refuse to Share Information About Their Company
Oftentimes, these fraudulent companies will not have any solid information about them. This is a major red flag and will expose them immediately. Always make sure to ask them for more information on their company. Legitimate companies will gladly provide information on their services and other aspects. Fraudulent ones will beat around the bush to avoid answering these questions.
Protecting Your Assets at All Costs
There are more scammers out there on the market than ever before. Scammers are utilizing technology to find more invasive ways to get your information. Fortunately, there are other companies that you can trust to help you whenever you need financial assistance. Ballast Associates provides professional finances services that will help you get your life back on track. We are here to help you improve your financial situation with various services that are meant to help everyone